35 Weeks!
Today marks not only the start of the fourth week since our admission into the hospital, but Kacee's 35th week of pregnancy! Many of you remember the first email we sent. Kacee had just reached 32 weeks** and was having contractions every 3 minutes. The doctors hinted that we might need to stay at the hospital a few hours, or possibly overnight, but would soon return home. At that time, we were completely ill-prepared for an overnight stay. Nonetheless, we had hopes of returning home by the end of the weekend. Little did we know! It's hard to believe that we've stayed/lived in this facility for three weeks.
**We quickly picked up on the significance of 32 weeks. Our doctors and nurses affirmed us that 32 weeks is somewhat of a milestone in terms of NICU babies. We were given a plausible goal of 34 weeks, but told that every additional day in the womb was crucial.
Blood Draw -- Does anyone else get squeamish around needles?
Let's just say....you're probably not gonna find me at a blood donation station. I have a history with needles. Many of you have heard the multiple stories about me passing out. Well, I am happy to announce that I
But depending on who you talk to, you may hear a different story. There may be other versions out there that have a few more details. So, before you hear it from someone else, just know...
...I may or may not have asked the nurse if I could lay down flat before she stuck me with a needle.
...I may or may not have removed the gum from my mouth for fear of choking IF I should pass out.
...I may or may not have lifted my feet and pedaled them (like a bike) towards the ceiling as the nurse was withdrawing my blood.
...I may or may not have sweated through the back of my shirt, and had to wipe the moisture off the examination table I was laying on.
And afterward, in the shower, I may or may not have had a 2-second uneasy feeling as I washed over the dot on my arm where the needle left its mark.
Regardless, it was a personal milestone. I made it thru my blood withdrawal! WoooHooo!
DiGeorge Carriers?
Kacee and I found out we are NOT carriers of DiGeorge Syndrome. Although it doesn't change anything for Landry's circumstances, it does confirm that hers was a random occurrence. It is just the way God designed her!
Furthermore, if Kacee and I are blessed with more children, these test results tell us they will NOT have an increased risk of having the syndrome. Thank you, Jesus.
In theory, every day Landry stays in the womb, is two less days she will stay in the NICU. We are hoping she will stay put another week or two. Please continue praying for her heart, her lungs, and for her branch arteries to a) reduce in size, and b) not restrict her oxygen passageways.
Thank you for your continued support. We love y'all!
For His Glory,
Kacee & Kyle
Hi Kacee and Kyle! Know that Brad and I are praying so much for your sweet little family. Landry is SO blessed to have you two as parents and I KNOW you two will be blessed beyond measure by your precious girl. We would love to sit down and talk with you both sometime about our experiences with Field and his CHD. There is so much hope. Lots of love to all 3 of you, Lisa, Brad, and Field Johnson